State of Karnataka - Closedown update

The Government of Karnataka has announced a 14 (fourteen) days closedown in the state starting from 9pm, April 27, 2021 to be in force until 6am, May 12, 2021. In this regard, the Government of Karnataka has issued guidelines (available here) on April 26, 2021 clarifying the state of operations during the closedown ("Guidelines"). A summary of the Guidelines is given below for your reference:

1.      Prohibited Activities:

  • Only flights and trains previously scheduled will continue to operate during the period of closedown.
  • Metro rail services will cease.
  • Taxis (including auto rickshaws) and services of cab aggregators prohibited, except while hired for emergency and as permitted in the guidelines.
  • Schools, colleges, educational/coaching institutions etc. will remain closed. Online/ distance teaming shall continue to be permitted and shall be encouraged. However, examination already scheduled shall be permitted with strict adherence to National Directives for COVID 19 management.
  • Hotels, restaurants and hospitality services shall be prohibited except those meant for housing health/ police/ Government officials/ healthcare workers/stranded persons including tourists. However, hotels, restaurants and eateries shall be permitted to operate kitchens for take away/home delivery of food items only.
  • All cinema halls, shopping malls, gymnasiums, sports complexes, stadia, swimming pools, entertainment parks, clubs, theatres, bars and auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places shall be closed.
  • Stadia and playground are closed. However, stadia and playground are allowed for organizing sports events and practice purpose, without spectators.
  • Swimming pools approved by Swimming Federation of India to be opened for sports persons for training purpose only.
  • All social/ political/ sports/ entertainment/ academic/ cultural/religious functions/ other gatherings and large congregations are prohibited.
  • All religious places/ places of worship shall be closed for public. However, all personnel engaged in the service of the place of worship shall continue to perform their rituals and duties without involving any visitors.

2.  Only government offices and their autonomous bodies, subordinate offices, public corporations etc. are permitted to function outside containment zone, as further detailed in paragraphs 3 and 4 under Annexure I of the Guidelines.


3. All health services inter alia including construction pertaining to medical / health infrastructure can remain functional (outside containment zone) as detailed in paragraph 5 under Annexure I of the Guidelines.

4. All agriculture and allied activities, including shops and godowns, related to farming, custom hiring centers, machineries are permitted outside containment zones. Allied activities include fisheries, poultry, meat and dairy etc.


5. Social sector shall remain functional outside containment zones as per paragraph 7 under Annexure I of the Guidelines.


6. There will be unrestricted movement of all types of goods and cargo, outside containment zones as detailed below:

  • All facilities in the supply chain of essential goods, whether involved in manufacturing, wholesale or retail or such goods through local stores, large brick and mortar stores or E-commerce companies shall be allowed to operate adhering to National Directives for COVID 19 management.
  • Movement of all types of goods including empty goods vehicles.


7.  Movement of People, as set out in paragraph 9 under Annexure I of the Guidelines (inter alia include):

  • No movement of public or private buses or passenger vehicles except as permitted under the guidelines.
  • Inter-State and Intra-State movement of passenger vehicles, only in cases of emergencies or as permitted under the guidelines.
  • Intra-district movement of passenger vehicles and buses only in emergency cases and strictly adhering to the prevailing SOPs/guidelines issued by Department of Health and Family Welfare.
  • Passes to facilitate movement of construction workers to be issued by the concerned construction agency.


8. The following commercial and private establishments are allowed:

  • Shops dealing with food , groceries, fruits and vegetables, dairy and milk booths, meal and fish, and animal fodder shall be allowed to function from 6 am to 10 am. Public Distribution System shops are allowed. Standalone liquor shops and outlets, take away only, allowed from 6 am to 10 am. Home delivery items shall be encouraged 24x7 to minimize movement of individuals outside their homes. Operations shall be subject to adhering to National Directives for Covid 19 management.
  • All facilities in the supply chain of essential goods, whether involved in manufacturing, wholesale or retail of such goods through local stores, large brick and mortar stores or E-commerce companies should be allowed to operate adhering to National Directives for COVID 19 management.
  • All food processing and related industries.
  • Banks, insurance offices and ATM.
  • Print and electronic media.
  • Telecommunication, internet services, broadcasting and cable services.
  • Employees and vehicles of Telecom and Internet Service providers shall be allowed unrestricted movement on producing valid ID card issued by their respective organization/institution.
  • Only essential staff/employees of IT and ITeS companies/organization shall work from office. Rest will work from home.
  • Delivery of all items through E-commerce and home delivery.
  • Power generation, transmission and distribution units and services.
  • Capital and debt market services as notified by the Securities and Exchange Board of lndia.
  • Cold storage and warehousing services.
  • Private security services.
  • Aviation and related services (airlines, airports, maintenance, cargo, ground services, catering, fuelling, security. etc) are permitted.

 9. All industries/ industrial establishments/ production units, except related to garments manufacturing, are permitted to operate outside containment zones, adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour. The movement of staff shall be allowed by producing valid ID/authorization issued by concerned industries/industrial establishment.


10.Construction activities, listed below, will be allowed to operate outside containment zones adhering to National Directives for COVID 19 management:

  • All construction activities, civil repair activities are permitted.
  • Works pertaining to pre-monsoon preparation are permitted.
  • All the above activities shall be permitted by strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour as stipulated in the National Directives for COVID 19 management.
  • During the weekends, only in-situ construction (where workers are available onsite and no workers are required to be brought in from outside) is permitted.


11. Annexure II of the Guidelines inter alia includes the following on night curfew between 9pm to 6am during the period of closedown:

  • All industries/companies which require operations at night shall be permitted to operate. Movement of employees of such organizations shall be allowed on producing valid lD card/authorization issued by their respective Organization/Institution.
  • Employees and vehicles of telecom and internet service providers shall be allowed movement on producing valid ID card issued by their respective organization/institution. Only essential staff / employees of IT and ITeS companies /organization shall work from office.

Further, Annexure III of the Guidelines sets out the National Directives for COVID 19 management to be followed.

Any person violating these measures will be liable to be proceeded against as per the provisions of Section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, besides legal action under Section 188 of the lPC and other legal provisions as applicable. Extracts of penal provisions are provided in Annexure IV of the Guidelines.


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