State of Karnataka - Closedown update
The Government of Karnataka has announced a 14 (fourteen) days closedown in the state starting from 9pm, April 27, 2021 to be in force until 6am, May 12, 2021. In this regard, the Government of Karnataka has issued guidelines (available here ) on April 26, 2021 clarifying the state of operations during the closedown ("Guidelines"). A summary of the Guidelines is given below for your reference: 1. Prohibited Activities : Only flights and trains previously scheduled will continue to operate during the period of closedown. Metro rail services will cease. Taxis (including auto rickshaws) and services of cab aggregators prohibited, except while hired for emergency and as permitted in the guidelines. Schools, colleges, educational/coaching institutions etc. will remain closed. Online/ distance teaming shall continue to be permitted and shall be encouraged. However, examination already scheduled shall be permitted with strict adherence to National Directives for ...