Karnataka Lockdown Extension Order
Pursuant to the updated order issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India dated May 17, 2020
bearing No.
40-3/2020-DM-I(A) (“Order”) with the new guidelines on the measures
to be taken by Ministries / Department of Government of India / states and
state authorities for containing the spread of COVID-19, the
Karnataka state government has issued updated guidelines on the measures to be
taken for containing the spread of COVID-19 which will come into effect
immediately and be valid till May 31, 2020 (“Karnataka
Order”). The Karnataka Order can be accessed here.
Below is a brief overview of the Karnataka Order, in
addition to those set out by the Order:
· In all zones
areas except containment zones, taxis/autorickshaws (with a maximum of 2 (two)
passengers excluding the driver), maxi cabs and aggregators will be permitted
to ply with restrictions.
· Barber
shops, saloons and spas will be permitted to operate subject to the standard
operating procedure prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
· Government and municipal parks will
be open to the public between specified times subject to restrictions.
2. Curfew: Sundays will
be full day lockdown, that is, on Sundays no movement will be permitted from
7AM to 7PM in addition to the 7PM to 7AM curfew, except for essential
3. Demarcation of Zones: The Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka
will demarcate taluks/wards into red, orange and green zones only for the
purpose of monitoring and will not impose any additional restrictions to the
activities permitted under these guidelines.