IRDAI – Relaxations for e-Insurance policies and proposal forms
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Issuance of e-Insurance Policies) Regulations, 2016 ( e-Insurance Regulations ) governs the issuance of electronic policy and submission of electronic proposal form of insurance policies. “E-insurance policy” or electronic insurance policy” means a policy document which is an evidence of insurance contract issued by an insurer and digitally signed in accordance with the applicable provisions prescribed by law and issued in an electronic form either directly to the policyholder by the insurer or through the platform of registered Insurance repository. As per Regulation 3 of the e-Insurance Regulations, every insurer soliciting insurance business through electronic mode shall create an e-proposal form similar to the physical proposal form approved by the Authority. The e-Insurance Regulations mandate that, every such insurer, shall also make available physical version of the e-proposal form. Per Regulation 4(...